Thursday, November 28, 2019
Alzheimers Q&A Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Psychiatric Diagnosis
Alzheimer's Q&A Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Assoc. Inc. 70 E. Lake Street, Suite 600 Chicago, Illinois 60601 What is Alzheimer's Disease? The most common form of dementing illness, Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a progressive, degenerative disease that attacks the brain, causing impaired memory, thinking and behavior. The person with AD may experience confusion, personality and behavior changes, impaired judgment, and difficulty finding words, finishing thoughts or following directions. It eventually leaves its victims incapable of caring for themselves. What happens to the brain in Alzheimer's Disease? The nerve cells in the part of the brain that controls memory, thinking, are damaged, interrupting the passage of messages between cells. The cells develop distinctive changes that are called neuritic plaques (clusters of degenerating nerve cell ends) and neurofibrillary tangles (masses of twisted filaments which accumulate in previously health nerve cells). The cortex (thinking center) of the brain shrinks (atrophies), The spaces in the center of the brain become enlarged, also reducing surface area in the brain. What are the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease? Alzheimer's Disease is a dementing illness which leads to loss of intellectual capacity. Symptoms usually occur in older adults (although people in their 40s and 5Os may also be affected) and include loss of language skills -- such as trouble finding words, problems with abstract thinking, poor or decreased judgment, disorientation in place and time, changes in mood or behavior and changes in personality. The overall result is a noticeable decline in personal activities or work performance. Who is affected by Alzheimer's Disease? Alzheimer's Disease knows no social or economic boundaries and affects men and women almost equally. The disease strikes older persons more frequently, affecting approximately 10% of Americans over age 65 and 47% of those over age 85. What causes Alzheimer's Disease? The cause of Alzheimer's Disease is not known. Researchers are investigating suspected causes such as neurological damage, chemical deficiencies, viruses, genetic abnormalities, environmental toxins and malfunctions in the body's disease defense systems. Is Alzheimer's Disease hereditary? There is a slightly increased risk that children, brothers, and sisters of patients with Alzheimer's Disease will get it, but most cases are the only ones in a family. Some patients who develop the disease in middle age (called early onset) have a "familial" type -- more than one case in the family. It is important to note that AD can only be definitively diagnosed after death through autopsy of brain tissue. Thirty percent of autopsies turn up a different diagnosis. Families are encouraged to ask for an autopsy as a contribution to learning more about the genetics of AD. Are there treatments available for Alzheimer's Disease? Presently, there is no definite cure or treatment for Alzheimer's Disease. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous individuals who market so-called "cures." These treatments are often expensive and they don't cure AD. However, since senility is such a scary problem and because families are desperate to find help for loved ones, these bogus treatments continue to sell. Most of them have no scientific proof of effectiveness. How is Alzheimer's Disease diagnosed? There is no single clinical test for Alzheimer's Disease. It is diagnosed by ruling out all other curable or incurable causes of memory loss. A positive diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease can only be made by microscopically studying a small piece of brain tissue after death. The cerebral cortex of an Alzheimer brain will have characteristic abnormalities -- cells marred by plaques and tangles. However, a working diagnosis can be made through various testing procedures that include a thorough physical as well as neurological and psychological examinations. How long do people with Alzheimer's Disease live? People diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease may live from two to 20 years after the onset of memory loss symptoms. It shortens one's expected life span, but given appropriate care and medical attention, patients often survive for many years at home or in a nursing home. Death can't usually be predicted until the very terminal stages. It is common for patients in terminal-stage Alzheimer's to lose weight, and to have difficulty swallowing, controlling bladder and bowels, walking and speaking. They may curl into a fetal position. Alzheimer victims often succumb to a series of repeated infections such as bladder infections or pneumonia. What is the scope of Alzheimer's Disease? Alzheimer's afflicts approximately 4 million Americans and it's estimated that one in three of us will face this disease in an older relative. More than 100,000 die annually, making Alzheimer's Disease the fourth leading cause of death among adults. Half of all current nursing home patients are affected, making AD a costly public health and long term care problem.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Kevin Mitnick essays
Kevin Mitnick essays What lies behind the eyes of a hacker have you ever wondered what made them tick, what drove them to what they are today? What is a hacker? A hacker is one who breaks forcefully into a computer to retrieve data or learn about his victims who have no idea their victims YET. But can a hacker really be changed to use his knowledge for good and to help fix problems with security in todays computers. One did but Its all the same for one man a hacker from his young phone phreaking days to what got him caught and what was done to free him. Kevin Mitnick is a hacker and this is just a small portion of what his life was and what made him change to help for the good. Kevin Mitnick was born in 1965 and grew up in San Fernando Valley, California not to far from Los Angeles. His father and mother divorced when he was three years old his mother worked long hard hours as a waitress at a small restaurant just to make ends meet. Kevin grew up lonely and isolated he hardly ever seen his father. What friends he did have where phone phreaks they often met at a small pizza parlor named Shakeys Pizza. Figuring out how to break into large communication systems and local computers. The more that Kevin hung out with this kids he got into phone phreaking, gaining illegal access to telephone services using electronic techniques. He would spend time in dumpsters of phone companies looking for old manuals that would provide information about the phone companys computers. The first time Kevin ever go into trouble with the law was in his teen years he broke into his schools computer grade system in which he changed no grades but very well could have. Kevin was also reported that he hacked the militarys North American Air Defense Command computers in Colorado just for fun. He was seventeen when he was caught stealing technical manuals from the Pacific Bell Telephone Company the judge gave him probation. He began to hack again after hi...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Romantic Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Romantic Period - Essay Example Beethoven, probably the most famous composer in all of history, is more difficult to place. His first compositions are unmistakably Classical in style. However, his later works, which includes the majority of his most celebrated compositions, is just as unmistakably Romantic. Music from the Romantic Era is characterized by more heavier, graver textures with intrepid dramatic distinctions. Very extremely emotional, this style of music gave more liberty in arrangement and design for the composers to work on. It expressed a more penetrating personal manifestation of emotion in which imagination, creativity and a pursuit for adventure play a significant role. Romantic music is not as dependent on repetition as it was did in the Classical period. The music frequently directly told a story. In the Romantic era, music developed philosophical or poetic implication. Antiquity, folktale, history and striking cultures were observed as likely sources of vision and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
'The SYMPHONY WAL-MART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
'The SYMPHONY WAL-MART - Essay Example In fact, with ââ¬Å"supply-chainingâ⬠, competition between companies is replaced with competition between supply chains. Thomas Friedman (2005) aptly stated that ââ¬Å"the more these supply chains grow and proliferate, the more they force the adoption of common standard between companies (so that every link of every supply chain can interface with the next), the more they eliminate points of friction at borders, the more the efficiencies of one company get adopted by the others, and the more they encourage global collaborationâ⬠. Question 2 At Wal-Mart, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year (24/7/365), suppliers deliver their goods to Wal-Mart distributions centers. The sorting, packing, and distribution of these goods to Wal-Mart stores and shelving in Wal-Mart stores are also carried out 24/7/365. Once a particular goods is purchased by a customer and scanned by the cashier, a signal is generated, which is relayed to the manufacturer of the product, notwith standing the global location of the manufacturer. The generated signal is sent to the manufacturer and he is prompted to produce another of that product. Once the product is produced by the manufacturer, the cycle is repeated. The cycle, according to Thomas Friedman (2005) is on a global scale ââ¬Å"in multiple movements ââ¬â with no finaleâ⬠and designated as ââ¬Å"Wal-Mart Symphonyâ⬠. Question 3 Heavy and early investment on cutting-edge IT infrastructure to identify and track sales on the individual level afforded Wal-Mart a competitive edge over its competitors. Wal-Mart is also smarter and faster in adopting new technologies and innovations than its competitors. Another element of competitive advantage is the culture of buying in large volume directly from the manufacturers at the deepest discount possible and shipping to distribution centers at the lowest possible cost. Furthermore, collaborating with manufacturers to lower cost as much as possible, improving i ts supply chain to be as low-cost and frictionless as possible and improving the information system in order to know customerââ¬â¢s taste and need and feeding this information to the manufacturers also offers Wal-Mart an edge over its competitors. Besides, Wal-Mart also broadens the scope and scale of its supply chain in order to lower price thereby capturing more market than its competitors. Based on Porter five forces, Wal-Mart is considerable competitive advantage. For instance, its low prices favor the bargaining power of its customers over that of its competitor. Though Wal-Mart faces competition from smaller dollar stores and online giant retailers, its ability to secure low prices from its suppliers still enhance its competitive advantage. Furthermore, Table 1 shows SWOT analysis which also supports Wal-Mart competitive advantage in the consumer market. SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Worldwide reputation as low price retailer Poor reputation with respect to worker benefits, gender issues Good investment in IT infrastructure and good bargaining power with suppliers Several dollar stores and creating a formidable niche in the consumer market Ambitious managers and cooperate leaders Difficulty in exporting its brand outside the US Adapting its service to the taste and demand of its customers Online retailer such as Amazon makes shopping fun and easy. Question 4 Wal-Mart started
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 4
Business Ethics - Essay Example Once the announcement took place, trading for the shares skyrocketed and price increased by more than 20 percent, thus, benefiting the people who had previously bought those shares for a premium. The case also reveals that the SEC and other regulators are willing to punish such actions as they are deemed to undermine market efficiency and investor confidence. In fact, they have even gone so far as to freeze Swiss bank accounts. Insider trading has been prevalent since the very inception of stock markets (Ferrell et al., 2012, pp. 83). In the recent past, several prominent names which include but are not limited to Rajat Gupta (Goldman Sachs), Raj Rajaratnam and Jason Goldfarb (Galleon Group), Donald Johnson (NASDAQ), Joseph Skowron and Yves Benhamou Matthew Kluger and Brett Bauer have been disgraced, fined, imprisoned due to insider trading. Although insider trading is one of the most widely discussed and debated issues within the field of business ethics, there is a serious disagree ment amongst experts regarding whether or not insider trading should be made ethical or unethical. This paper makes a brief attempt at exploring and analysing various dynamics of insider trading in light of the above mentioned article. ... e likely to possess information about the company that no individual on the outside knows such as a possible merger, acquisition (as in the case of Heinz), financial results, lawsuits, getting access to new distribution or communication channels, strategic alliances and others. The law does not restrict employees of any company and for that matter of fact even the top management, directors and large shareholders of the company from trading the shares of the company but it does not make it explicitly clear that they should not take any advantage of non-public information (Ferrell et al., 2012, p. 83). In fact, even if an insider reveals a piece of crucial inside information, the law restricts the ability of any outsider to use or act upon that information (Henn, 2011, p. 85). Important here to note is that the timing is crucial in the cases of insider trading. Insiders aware of non-public information can act on that information once that become public. Some companies restrict insiders to act on that information only after 24 hours had passed on that information becoming public in order to avoid any complications (George, 2006, p. 75). Ethical Issue The ethical issue which is under discussion here is that of insider trading. The insiders, clearly, used the information that did not belong to them and used it for their personal gain (Sharma & Bhal, 2004, p. 412). When an asset of any organization is used, without the permission of the owner, for personal gain, the gain belongs to the owner and in this case it belonged to Heinz who has been now been acquired by Buffetââ¬â¢s company. Insider trading is also an ethical issue because while other traders in the market had access to a certain level of information, these insiders used information that had yet not been made
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay, poetry, prose, drama and film in literature
Essay, poetry, prose, drama and film in literature Introduction: This paper covers four important topics of Literature, which include: Essay, Poetry, Prose, Drama and Film. Essay is a form of writing, which can be literary-based or scientific-based. Like any other form of writing, it has its different characteristics, and also it serves for different purposes. For example, when writing a letter to a friend, it could be said that it is a form of an essay. When applying to colleges nowadays it is mandatory for every applicant to write a so called entrance essay. Even the newspaper columns are designed to be written in an essay based. Essay consists of three parts: an introduction, which is the first paragraph of an essay, the body which includes several paragraphs, and the conclusion, which consist of one or more paragraphs and is structurally the last part of an essay content. Poetry is an ancient literary art. There are many poets who have contributed so much to enrich the literature that is being studied today. Like any other form of literature, it has many characteristics that define poetry. But unfortunately there isnt a clear definition of what poetry is. So, different poets have expressed their thought of what they think defines poetry. Prose in another important work of literature. It is defined to be as the epic literature that is written in lines. It is basic literature that is seen and used daily. Prose includes books, such as novels, tales, and short stories. Like any other literary work, it has different characteristics, and rules and regulations that make up the prose. Drama is also known to be more popular during the golden age. Its a literacy work that is written basically to entertain people, especially Kings Courtyard centuries before. Nowadays, well known dramas play on theaters, throughout the world. Film is an art form of motion picture, also known as movies. Many representatives are involved to make up the film. Film has different characteristics that are known as Action films, Adventure, Comedy, Crime and Gangster, Drama, Epic/Historical, Horror, Musical, Science Fiction, and Western films. ESSAY Definition Essay is a form of writing, which is relatively short and could be literary or non literary writing. The word essay for the first time was used be a French writer, Michele Montaigne, as a matter of fact the origin of the word essay comes from French, which means to try or to attempt to write (Musai, B. 2004). The period when Montaigne started to write essays, even though we find some forms of essays before this period, makes us understand that essay is the newest form of writing in comparison with poetry, prose and drama. Essay is a collection of ideas, mainly literary ideas, or a single idea, written and backed up by some supporting facts. Most of essays have pattern which they are written. English teachers use them frequently as a testing tool, but today they are also a major part in students entrance exam for college or University (Fleming, Grace, 2010). Representatives As mentioned under definition, the common form of essay dates back to Montaigne, whose essays got published in 1588, although the types that we have today are derived and evolved due to the increasing needs and language expansion. From early representatives we also find an English writer, Robert Burton, although he differs on the style from Montaigne. Montaigne used essay writing as a self-discovery, more of a personal narration, whereas Burton expressed his knowledge through essay, more like a modern essay that we have today. Also we find some early representatives from England such as Sir Thomas Browne and Laurence Sterne. Some early representatives from France include also Andre Gide and Jean Cocteau (Britannica Online Encyclopedia, n.d) We can confidentially say that essay has changed its role and purpose since its beginning. Essay has evolved from a personal story to a more detailed tool of one expressing feelings, ideas and so forth. Today essays have same pattern, use a format, and discuss a range of topics; they are used to persuade somebody of something, to narrate a story or an event, express feelings for some issues and policies and even used as a social and political criticism tool. They have evolved and become an integral part of college and University recruitments. More often than not, students are given essay assignment on topics that require a student to take a stand in very controversial issues such as abortion, global warming etc. Types and characteristics of essay Based on the sets of skills one has, today essay provides a form of writing for everyone and every personality. If you are a person that likes to argue, you can use an argumentative type of essay to express your feelings, opinions, thoughts. If you are gifted with descriptive skills, you can use this type of essay and colorful language to describe something. In general, these are the types of literary essays: descriptive, narrative, evaluation and persuasive or argumentative essay. Narrative is more of a literary type of essay, meaning it is characterized more in artistic language. The story in narrative essay most of the time is written in chronological order. Descriptive essay could be literary or non-literary (Fleming, G. 2010). This type of essay is used to describe an object, a place, a person or an event. An example of this would be: What is a car, what is it made of, how is it put together, how long it lasts and so on. Evaluation essay has multiple types and is mostly used in different levels of education. Some of the evaluation essays are: essay of a process or guide, comparison contrast essay, calcification essay, cause and effect essay, conclusive essay etc. Persuasive or argumentative essay is one of the four main types of essay. Its goal is to persuade the reader to accept, master, or act according to the ideas of the writer. This is different from the goal of narrative essay which is that reader tries to understand the authors ideas. In this type of essay, writer is required to back up his ideas with statistics or other proofs to convince the reader of things he is writing are correct (Musai, B. 2004). There are also non-literary types of essays such as visual arts, music, film and photography etc. The general format of essay is: introduction which is made of three to four sentences; body of the essay that can have multiple paragraphs and conclusion (Lilly, M. 2006). In general, essay is different from other literary writings. It is somewhat similar to prose because it is written in lines. Sometimes it could also be similar to prose in content especially narrative and descriptive essays. The difference between the essay and the narration is that narration contains more figurative expressions, whereas essay contains facts and supporting arguments. This also concludes that essay differs a lot with poem and drama. However, in contrary to other literary and non-literary forms, essay is written for multiple purposes and different topics. Today it is written in different educational levels, hiring purposes, in daily paper etc. POETRY Definition: The word Poetry derives from a Greek word poiesis, which means in a making. Poetry is a unique art of literacy, but it doesnt have a clear definition of what it is. It is said that poetry uses a fictional plot, a specialized language, and it is written in a special form (style). When writing poems, authors try to express their thoughts in less space using that specialized language, not compare to novels and short stories that use much more space. Poetry is an ancient art of literacy, before people use to carve poetry in the caves, and that is known to exist long before. There are many poets, and uncountable written poems thought the time, but there isnt a clear definition of what poetry is. Although, many poets have their own definition of poetry. For example Paul Engle definition of poetry is: Poetry is boned with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words (Poetry America, 2009) by Paul Engle. Another quote by Aristotle: Poetry is more philosophical and of higher value than history; for poetry tends to express the universal, history the particular(Poetry America, 2009). Even though it is difficult to define poetry, most people are able to recognize it when they see it. It is worth remembering that poetry especially in the form of the song is one of the oldest forms of artistic expression, it is much older than prose and is seems to originate in a human impulse that reached for expression in joy, grief, doubt, hope, loneliness, love, etc. For example, the National Anthems are poems, that are turned into songs or the Anthem that express so much feeling, about joy, victory of being proud of their heroes and their Nation. Representatives: There are many well known Poets thought the world, but to be represented in this paper two preferred once are chosen: Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson. Both are American Poets, whose art of poetry is well known. They have contributed so much to the American literature and have enriched it with their creativity. Robert Frost has written many poems, but his poems are well know, one of which is Stopping by woods on a Snowy Evening (Academy of American Poets, 2009). Emily Dickenson is one of the most famous female poets in American literature. She has written close to 2000 poems, and her poems were numbered. On of her many poems is called: A Bird came down the walk (328) (Academy of American Poets, 2009). Differences between Poetry and Drama: The Poetry and Drama are different in many ways. Drama is presented to the public as an entertainment, either telling a story which the author is not physically there, but it is told though different other people, or actors. Whereas poetry is also recited by other people besides from the poet himself/herself. Sometimes is it also played in the stage too, through songs. Characteristics of Poetry: There are many characteristics of poetry, the main ones are Lyrical poetry and Narrative poetry (Lethbridge Mildroft, 2003). Lyrical poetry are short, non-narrative poems, which include subcategories, and one of them is the Sonnet, which is written in fourteen lines (Lethbridge Mildroft, 2003). The Narrative poetry is a form of poetry that tells stories through it, for example love stories, tragedies etc. Other forms of poetry are written in four lines, which are known as stanza. Stanza is used more often in poetry, by many Albanian poets as well as poets throughout the world. PROSE Definition Prose is a type of epic literature that is written in lines. Usually sentences in prose continuous in that line, not in another one. Some authors (writers) say that writing prose is the best form of writing, because words are in their best order. Sometimes we wonder what does the word PROSE means. The word prose comes from another similar Latin word that is PROSA and it is used to describe facts or anybodys thoughts. Representatives There are many well known prose writers but we mention two or three of them, like Shakespeare, Virgina Wolf, Henry Fielding etc. Shakespeare is one of the most famous writer, he is known with his dramas like: Romeo Juliet, Macbeth etc. Virginia Woolf is the one who presents a new style of writing in Prose through the events, such as Stream of Consciousness, and Henry Fielding who gives another direction of prose writing. Differences between prose and poetry There are some differences between prose and poetry. We can say that prose is easier to understand because unlike prose for poetry, we can explain prose with our words. Another difference is that in prose it doesnt matter if it rhymes or not. There are a lot of differences between prose and poetry but despite this sometime it is difficult to note which one is prose and which one is poetry (Rrahmani, Z., 1999). Differences between prose and drama Expect the differences between prose and poetry there are some differences between prose and drama. In the prose the author is the one that describes characters and settings, but in the drama there are actors and actresses that play on it. Characteristics of prose There are two basic kinds of prose: elementary forms and composed forms. (Rrahmani, Z., 1999). In the elementary form there are: Legend, Myth, Fairy tales, and in the composed forms there are: Novel, novelette, Tale (Rrahmani, Z., 1999). Elementary forms The word Legend comes from Latin word that means something that is needed to be read. That tells a story which can be real but which can contain other decorative elements. Myth is Greek word that has a lot of meanings like: tale, language, speaking etc. It talks about tribes, their lives and the origin of world. Fairy Tale is another kind of elementary literature form and it is wordy creation that combines real and fantastic motives (Rrahmani, Z., 1999). Composed forms Novel is large type of prose and the word roman comes from Latin word lingua romana. Novel was read by different social layers. Word novelette means something new, that comes from Latin Word novelus. Novelette contains extraordinary motives but it doesnt mean that novel avoid other events from daily life. Novelette contains some structure elements like: small number of characters, interlacing between real and fantastic. Tale is a short type of prose, this type comes from fairy tales and legends. In tale there are reflected some important side of reality (Rrahmani, Z., 1999). DRAMA Definition: The general term DRAMA (Classical Greek: ÃŽà ´Ã à à ¡Ã ¾Ã ¶ÃŽà ¼ÃŽà ±, drà ¡ma meaning action) (Wikipedia, 2009) is understood to be a composition literary, which is written to be represented in theaters. For that reason authors consider its solid rules, without their application drama cant be successful in stage. At drama devoid the confession and description, whereas all the text surrender via dialogue and monologue. Drama differs considerably from poetry or narrative because drama it is usually written to be performed in stage by actors. Aside from the text that actors will express, didaskaliet are also a component of drama, wherewith characterizes the view of scene, personages doings and demenaunors, the noises that are going to be heard etc., which usually puts in brackets. Classic drama (Greek and roman) was written in verse and was played in amphitheaters, some of them are still saved (for example in Butrint, which was Greek colony). Classic drama have had a solid construction, they were count by strong rules, so its composition necessarily traversed in those phases: exhibition, interlacement, culmination, vicissitude and solution. A drama usually separate in small components, which are called acts, so we have dramas with five acts, three acts, one act etc., meanwhile smaller unit is scene, which hits every actors entrance and exit in stage. Another feature of classic drama was oneness of the place (the event had to came off in one place), oneness of the time (the event held out twenty-four hours) and oneness of the doings (the event didnt have a break). As every drama flow by a conflict, which make a specific language, more dynamic, more emotional, not usual. Modern drama arrived to bring in scene the man, life and random language (Culler, 1997). Characteristics of the drama Until the18th century tragedy and comedy were the main kinds, but later the drama was displayed, which then took the dominant role. Tragedy In the ancient time handled the destiny of the kings and demigods. The affairs which civilized were unusual and big. The language of the drama wasnt daily, it style was high so just Kings and Queens and the people of the court could understand it. Later on the characters of the tragedy became the big historical characters. The main feature of the tragedy is that its conflict ends necessarily with the heros death. Comedy (In Greek komo convivial and od song) is a dramatic work (Wikipedia, 2009). Since antique comedy attended with usual people and usual events, which had a happy ends. As tragedy designed to concuss with its tragic end, comedy designed to make you laugh. Comedy was very open divide its designed thematic, divide its yoked characters and divide its way of civilizing. From the roman authors disunited Plaut and Terenci than Shakespeare in England, Molier in France, Gogol in Russia, etc. There are many centuries that dominate the writing of drama, which is written in prose, which doesnt have solid rules anymore like classic creations, which has a much wider gamut of the thematic and has an unlimited chance to choose the characters. It design mans destiny, who is confronted with different harnesses, who collides with the fellowship and pass into the tragic and comic situates at the same time. After the technology revolution, from drama some new styles of art appeared, which are much more famous in all over the world, like radiodrama, television drama and movie. FILM Definition: Film is an art form of motion pictures, also known as movies. Films/movies are shown in cinemas, or movie theaters, where people gather to see them. Film is a form of entertainment which has grown into a huge business worldwide nowadays. The first motion picture ever made is known to be The Horse In Motion which dates back in the 1878 (Associated Content Inc., 2010). Further more, there isnt an exact answer when the first movies was made, because back then the technology was not as advanced as it is now. But the film technology has improved throughout the years, the first movies, were without sounds, and without colors, and now there are 3D movies, which are said to be advanced. Representatives: First of all film representatives are considered the writes, those of short stories, Novels, Fictions, Fairytales etc. Then there are people who are part of making the film, which are known as the screenwriters, actors/actresses, film crew, film director(s), experimental film makers, movie studios, and finally film critics (Knowledgerush, 2009). Difference between Drama and Film: The difference between drama and film isnt much different, except the Drama is performed in from of an audience, whereas film is recorded and then shown to the audience. At the end they have the same idea, it is an art of entertainment and also a way to educate people though different plays, or shows and also different films. Characteristics of Film: There are different characteristics of Film/movie, for example: Action films are those that have in it battles, fightings, explosions, fires, basically that show a lot of action. As everyone knows that The James Bond films are action films. Adventure films are films that have to do with expeditions, trying new things, exploration of near and far away lands, such as the quest to find the hidden treasure, for example the movies National Treasure. Comedy Films are films that make the audience laugh while telling a story. Crime and Gangster Films are films that have to do with murders, and generally with people that dont obey the law. For example The Law and Order series. Drama films, are the once that have to do with romance, romantically tragedies etc (American Movies Classics Company, 2009). Epic/Historical Films are based on historical events, on war, or on heroic figure for example the Albanian heroic figure is made into a film known as The Scanderbeg. Horror films are basically films that are made to terrify the audience, at the same time to entertain them. Musicals (dance) films are films that have lots of dancing and singing in it. A well know musical movie called The Sound of Music. Science fiction films are those that have aliens, the ones that are well known are The Star War series. And finally the Western film, are generally known as the American cowboy movies, with Indians, guns, horses etc (American Movies Classics Company, à ©2009). Conclusion: To conclude of what is mentioned above about Essay, Poetry, Prose, Drama and Film, it is important to include that they have enriched literature that is known to us today. These subcategories of literature are all connected to one another. They are a written art, which has improved peoples knowledge. Everything that is known to mankind, about its history it is written through essays, poetry, prose, drama and also showed in motion picture. Even though each of them has different characteristics, they all have one purpose that is to communicate between people. REFERENCES: 1. Academy of American Poets, (à ©2010) Retrieved 21/12/2009 from 2. American Movies Classics Company, Main Film Genres (à ©2009) Retrieved 02/01/10 from 3. Britannica Online Encyclopedia, (n.d.). Essay Types. Retrieved 21/12/2009 from: 4. Culler, J. (1997) Literary Theory. A Very Short Introduction (pp. 97-100). Oxford University Press Inc. New York 5. First Movie Ever Made: A History of Film Firsts (à ©2010) Retrieved 02/01/10 from 6. Fleming, G. (à ©2010). How to write a five-paragraph essay. Retrieved 21/12/2009 from: 7. Knowledgerusg (à ©2009) Retrieved 02/01/2010 from 8. Lethbridge, S., Mildorf, J. (à ©2003) Basics of English Studies: An Introductory course for students of literary studies in English. Version 12/03, Poetry (pgs. 142-173) 9. Lilly, M. (2006, February). A Basic Essay Format. Retrieved 21/12/2009 from 10. Musai, B. (2004). Si te shkruajm ese. Tirane: Cendra per arsim demokratik (p.15-25). 11. Poetry America (n.d) retrieved 21/12/2009 from: 12. Rrahmani, Z. (1999) Teoria e Letersise: Book for high school students. Prose (Pp.115-123) 13. Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia (2009, December). Drama. Retrieved 21/12/2009 from
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Los Vendidos: Farm Workers Views :: History Historical Spanish Essays
Los Vendidos: Farm Workers' Views Los Vendidos, the movie that we viewed was performed by El Teatro Campesino, the farm workers theatre. The movie was made to show the views and ideas of the farm workers, who were just regular people who wanted to be heard. They were not extraordinary, exceptional, highly skilled and paid actors. They were just normal human beings who wanted what everyone else wanted: equality. The concept of Los Vendidos was, in my opinion, simple. The movie was a satirical view at how that Anglo-Americans chose to see the Mexican-Americans, Spanish-Americans, Latinos, Hispanos, etc. It was used to incite controversy. Los Vendidos was also used to show how some Mexican-Americans chose to ignore their ethnicity and upbringing in an attempt to separate themselves from their people. The main theme was that the Mexican-American people needed to be a part of society, as a whole. They no longer, and never really, wanted to be separated for m the rest of the country. The Mexican-American people were just as intelligent and prepared for anything, as was everyone else in the U.S. It was used to make the Mexican-American people want to get up and say, "I no longer wanted to be treated like this." The aspects of the movie that were brought out, for me, were the individual characteristics of each of the individual characters. They characteristics are drawn out and over dramatized, some came from generalities made by the Anglo-Americans but some were real aspects of the people. Most of the characteristics that came out were unfavorable but they did what they were supposed to. They told of the generalities that the groups place upon one another. The story opens with Ano Sancho talking about how he previously was a labor contractor and is now a businessman. He now has opened "Ano Sanchoââ¬â¢s Used Mexican Lot" This is a strike at those people who have been using the immigrants and the Mexican-Americans for their own personal gain. This brings the thought that no matter the place and time, there will always be someone there to exploit the weaker people. This person is sometimes someone that the people trust ands relate to, one of their own. The next person that we come across is Ms. Jimenez (pronounced Jimmy-nes, not he-me-nez). The way that this lady was portrayed was, as stated earlier in the Introduction, an attack on the "white washed" Mexican-Americans.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ethical Practices Essay
1. What are business ethics? Business ethics are rules of conduct, principals, and patterns of behavior in business dealings that involve doing the right thing. An ethical business is a business which embraces universal morals and strives for equality of every job and workplace. Although laws and policies are different in every country, some have lower ethical standards than others which for example can promote child labor, unsafe workplace, and many other approaches which can harm a quality of a workers life. The unethical businesses save money in cutting corners through ethic standards. But unfortunately many companies rely on factories based off unethical work to keep them in business. In some cultures unethical work is recognized to be normal such as child labor in an underdeveloped countries while here it is against the law and seen as inhumane because of how our culture is conditioned here. 2. Give two examples in which Primark is operating in an ethical way. Provide two additional examples of ethical practices or behaviours in a business not associated with retailing or clothing. Primark operating in ethical ways: ââ¬â Primark bases its code of conduct on the International Labor Organization (ILO). The code of conduct provides an ethical standard code which enforces safe, labor free, and security in work. ââ¬â Primark provides audits to it suppliers to follow up and ensure the supplier is maintaining ethical practices. Additional examples: ââ¬â To have no tolerance for discrimination in the workplace. Every race, culture, and gender is treated equally in every work environment. For example in an auto business a women is respected on the same level as men are. 3. Why is it so important for businesses to operate in an ethical way? Explain your answer by referring to the fashion industry. It is so important for businesses to operate in an ethical way because it represents how a company is run in all aspects. 4. In what ways could ethical business practices incur costs to the business? Evaluate the extent to which the benefits to a business of operating in an ethical are likely to outweigh the costs. Ethical practices will cost a business. When a company is ethical it builds confidence in the brand and its reputation, which shareholders are pleased to see. Also, it reduces the risk in bad reputation from bad publicity. In addition, many companies chose to save money and cut the corner with ethical standards. Although the benefit outweighs the cost because overall if a consumer understands and can view the companyââ¬â¢s transparency they will be more confident in purchasing products or services from the certain business. Therefore, this will increase a based clientele due to their information of how your business runs and that their purchase adds to promoting standard work ethics. For example if you told a customer that a pair of pants cost a few dollars more than the other ones, but explained that the cheaper pair is made by an 11 year old child working in factory for 14 hours a day getting paid pennies to produce the garment or a woman who made them and she is receiving proper incentives and benefits for working for the company to support her family. I believe every costumer would chose to pay those extra couple of dollars. This is why consumers should push for company transparency, to allow you to see what you really pay for! Therefore, for established company ethical standards will cost more to maintain but in the outcome more customers will be attracted and you will build a loyal client base due to many people who are against ethical issues.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Understanding Political Process Theory
Understanding Political Process Theory Also known as political opportunity theory, political process theory offers an explanation of the conditions, mindset, and actions that make a social movement successful in achieving its goals. According to this theory, political opportunities for change must first be present before a movement can achieve its objectives. Following that, the movement ultimately attempts to make change through the existing political structure and processes. Overview Political process theory (PPT) is considered the core theory of social movements and how they mobilize (work to create change). It was developed byà sociologists in the U.S. during the 1970s and 80s, in response to the Civil Rights, anti-war, and student movements of the 1960s. Sociologist Douglas McAdam, now a professor at Stanford University, is credited with first developing this theory via his study of the Black Civil Rights movement (see his bookà Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930-1970, published in 1982). Prior to the development of this theory, social scientists viewed members of social movements as irrational and crazed and framed them as deviants rather than political actors. Developed through careful research, political process theory disrupted that view and exposed its troubling elitist, racist, and patriarchal roots. Resource mobilization theory similarly offers an alternative view to this classical one. Since McAdam published his book outlining the theory, revisions to it have been made by him and other sociologists, so today it differs from McAdams original articulation.à As sociologist Neal Caren describes in his entry on the theory in theà Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, political process theory outlines five key components that determine the success or failure of a social movement: political opportunities, mobilizing structures, framing processes,à protest cycles, and contentious repertoires. Political opportunitiesà are the most important aspect of PPT, because according to the theory, without them, success for a social movement is impossible. Political opportunitiesor opportunities for intervention and change within the existing political systemexist when the system experiences vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities in the system can arise for a variety of reasons but hinge on a crisis of legitimacy wherein the populace no longer supports the social and economic conditions fostered or maintained by the system. Opportunities might be driven byà the broadening of political enfranchisement to those previously excluded (like women and people of color, historically speaking), divisions among leaders, increasing diversity within political bodies and the electorate, and a loosening of repressive structures that previously kept people from demanding change.Mobilizing structuresà refer to theà already existing organizations (political or otherwise) that are present among the c ommunity that wants change. These organizations serve as mobilizing structures for a social movement by providing membership, leadership, and communication and social networks to the budding movement. Examples include churches, community and nonprofit organizations, and student groups and schools, to name a few. Framing processes are carried out by leaders of an organization in order to allow the group or movement toà clearly and persuasively describe the existing problems, articulate why change is necessary, what changes are desired, and how one can go about achieving them. Framing processes foster the ideological buy-in among movement members, members of the political establishment, and the public at large that is necessary for a social movement to seize political opportunities and make change. McAdam and colleagues describe framing as conscious strategic efforts by groups of people to fashion shared understandings of the world and of themselves that legitimate and motivate collective action (see Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framingà [1996]).Protest cyclesà are another important aspect of social movement success according to PPT. A protest cycle is a prolongedà period of time when opposition to the politi cal system and acts of protest are in a heightened state. Within this theoretical perspective, protests are important expressions of the views and demands of the mobilizing structures connected to the movement and are vehicles to express the ideological frames connected to the framing process. As such, protests serve to strengthen solidarity within the movement, to raise awareness among the general public about the issues targeted by the movement, and also serve to help recruit new members. The fifth and final aspect of PPT is contentious repertoires, which refers to the set of means through which the movement makes its claims. These typically include strikes, demonstrations (protests), andà petitions. According to PPT, when all of these elements are present, it is possible that a social movement will be able to make changes within the existing political system that will reflect the desired outcome. Key Figures There are many sociologists who study social movements, but key figures who helped create and refine PPT include Charles Tilly,à Peter Eisinger, Sidney Tarrow, David Snow, David Meyer, and Douglas McAdam. Recommended Reading To learn more about PPT see the following resources: From Mobilization to Revolutionà (1978), by Charles Tilly.Political Process Theory,à Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, by Neal Caren (2007).Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency,à (1982) by Douglas McAdam.Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framingà (1996), by Douglas McAdam and colleagues. Updatedà by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Free Will Controversy Essays - Desiderius Erasmus, Free Essays
The Free Will Controversy Essays - Desiderius Erasmus, Free Essays The Free Will Controversy The Free Will Controversy Between the years of 1524 and 1527, Erasmus Desiderius and Martin Luther were tangled up in an interesting controversy (Bainton 187). This controversy surprisingly did not involve the authority of the pope, the nature of the church, indulgences, or any of the other practices that each man equally detested. It involved the philosophical topic regarding the question of free or enslaved will (Faulkner 171). Preserved Smith defines free will as the power to apply ones self to the things that make for salvation (348). This controversy was bound to happen for a number of reasons. First of all, Luther was becoming violent in his words and actions in general. Secondly, Luther made himself a target by his assertion in the Heidelberg Disputation of 1518. Luther's exact words were, Free will, after the fall, even when doing the best it can, commits a mortal sin. These two factors led Erasmus to speak out against Luther in De Libero Artitrio (On Free Will). Luther eventually answered back furiously in De Servo Arbitrio (On Enslaved Will) (Bainton 186-7). This was a superior work which explains to historians why Luther prevails in the end (Zweig 139). Erasmus was one of the most intelligent people of his century. Today however, he remains in the minds of most people as nothing more than another name (Zweig 3). In his time, he was the leader of all scholars in Europe from Germany to Italy and Spain and from England to Hungary as well. He stands above the other humanists and forerunners of the reformation (Schaff 402). His great mission was to bring back the spirit of classical and Christian Antiquity (Smith 33-4). Preserved Smith describes the first part of his life, specifically until 1524, as being progressive and reformatory; the second, until his death in 1536, he says was, conservative and reactionary (402). He is described as being somewhat of a nomad, never staying in the same place for more than eight years (48). Compared to his contemporaries, Erasmus did more than his share in preparing the church for the reformation (Schaff 402). Historians refer to Erasmus as the, illegitimate son of a Dutch priest named Gerard, and Margaret (Schaff 404). He was born in Rotterdam on October 27, in the 1466 or 1467 (Faulkner 30). He received his early education at Utrecht and then at Deventer where he began to impress people with his talents. Within him was a love was a passion for books and at the age of just 12, he knew Horace and Terence by memory (Schaff 404). When his father died, he was taken care of by three guardians. Their goal was to have him become a priest which gave them the power to rob him of his inheritance. They placed him in the house of the Brethren of the Common Life at Hertogenbusch. While there, Erasmus calls their houses as, seminaries of monasticism, and refers to their teachers as a, destruction to good intellect. They did not come close to destroying Erasmus's intellect. A few years later, his guardians convinced him to enter a monastery. He entered the Augustinian monastery against his will where he would spend five extremely unhappy years (Faulkner 323). After this, Erasmus went on to achieve his fame in doing the things he always wanted to do (Schaff 407-9). Despite the fact that Erasmus and Luther had many difference, there were ways in which they were similar. Both of them advocated a return to antiquity and an excitement for the golden age of Christianity and pagan Rome. They both had an interest in revolts against the mediaeval scholasticism. Another similarity lies in their child-hoods. They were both born into an era of individualism. Also, they grew up in cities that had recently developed in the same bourgeois class (Smith 321). Many differences between these two men led to their quarrel. Some of these differences were physical. Luther was the son of a minor. This along with his inborn energies made him the rougher of the two. Luther is quoted as saying, I gorge like a Bohemian and gulp down my liquor like a German (Zweig 132). Luther also spoke in a powerful German voice that was
Monday, November 4, 2019
IB economics commentary (Section 5 - Development Economics) Essay
IB economics commentary (Section 5 - Development Economics) - Essay Example Protectionism is the practice of protecting domestic goods and service industries from foreign competition with tariff and non-tariff barriers (Answers). This economic commentary discusses the article ââ¬â¢Buy Americanââ¬â¢ feud exposes European double standards. During tough economic times it seems that countries become more conscious of the needs of its local industries. The European Union recently brought back its subsidies program to protect the nationââ¬â¢s dairy industry. A subsidy is a form of financial aid given to a business or industry by the government (Varian). It is considered the opposite of a tax. In Europe other more subtle measures are occurring that are not good for free trade. Some European nations such as Greece are forcing developing nations which are beneficiaries of their aid programs to purchase goods and services from them (Polack). Despite the help Greece is providing the agreements hurt the economic growth of developing nations by limiting their options and increasing their costs of doing business. The Greek contracts being tied to financial aid increases the costs of goods and services by 20%. This implies that actually value of the financial aid is deflated due to the loss of purchasing power as a consequence of inflated contract prices. Two of the factors that are causing the prices of these contracts to go are consultant fees and expensive materials. According to ActionAid the average costs of consultants working in developing nations is $1000 per day (Polack). Bilateral agreements are a common international occurrence that can have both positive and negative impacts on the nations involved in the treaties. A bilateral trade agreement is pact in which two countries in which the countries agree to lift most tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers. The good thing about these agreements is that it promotes free trades which increases business activity between the nations.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Interdisciplinary Curriculum Unit Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Interdisciplinary Curriculum Unit - Assignment Example enabled me to appreciate the interdependencies that exists between living organism on the universe and their importance in the environment in which we live. This study has enabled the appreciation of the need to the adoption of certain lifestyles for healthy living conditions for living organisms. I am motivated by the enormous knowledge that I have gathered in the course of my research work. During this process I managed to learn more about the living organismsââ¬â¢ interrelationships and their duties in the environmental sustainability (Anderson, 2001). I acquired much important knowledge on the study of human body particularly the cell membrane and its components. However, my research work did not cover the entirety of the human body organs and their functions and as such; I intend to carry on with my research on that section of study. As a teacher, I believe that such firsthand information will impact positively in my career as a biology teacher. This will enable me to impact my students with analytical skills useful in the study of biology. This study has enabled me to acquire the knowledge of making materials more salient. This has helped to create opportunities for research at an appropriate level which will help me teach on research more competently. With this experience, I managed to adopt and create a molecular evolution lab for teaching the DNA sequential data (Benjamin, 2002). This study has also enabled the integration to parallel disciplines associated with independent learning like reading literature, data evaluation and concepts, logic associated with trouble shooting, and synthesis of conclusions. This has enabled the development in key areas interrelated to the study such as the literature in science and use of mathematical models in the analysis of findings, as well as history through the inquiry (Benjamin, 2002). The subject matter in this integrated curriculum unit will enable in the development of professionals in the field of science. These
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